Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sink or Swim

This class could have been longer!  The experiment was super engaging, and the SciGirls could have worked on it for hours :)

Here's what we did:

We started out by watching Aquabots.

The challenge today, was to build an object that achieved neutral buoyancy.  It needed to float in the middle of a big cup, neither floating to the top or sinking to the bottom.  It was really challenging!  Although there was a lot of great collaboration, and really great ideas, none of the groups were able to achieve neutral buoyancy.  I let them know that when we did this experiment during SciGirls training, none of the adults (a room full of science teachers!), could do it either.  We had a great discussion about what they could have used to properly complete the challenge.  Ideas included thin foam paper and salt.

This would be a great challenge to continue working on at home!  If your SciGirl successfully completes this task, please post about it in the comments below!  I know it can be done...
For the second half of class, the girls tested their own personal buoyancy at a water park!  It was really fun.  Everyone was smiling :)

Next month the girls will do their annual service project, and experiment with multi-tasking.

SciGirls 2016-17 planning is underway!  
We should have registration forms out for current class members by the May meeting :)