Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Case of the Missing Diamonds

A crime has been committed!

Today our super sleuths had a crime to solve, The Case of the Missing Diamonds!  Someone stole diamonds from a jewelry store, and it was up to our SciGirls to analyze data from four suspects to solve the crime.  

As always, we watched the corresponding SciGirls episode, Super Sleuths, first.

Afterwards, the girls broke into groups and learned all about the suspects in question and the case background.

The girls did a fabric analysis, dusted for fingerprints, fumed for fingerprints, ink chromatography, and analyzed  blood samples (fake blood, created in a lab, of course!!).  

It was so fantastic!!  Almost everyone guessed who the culprit was :)

Ink chromatography 

Anti serum, blood samples, oh my!

Fuming for fingerprints

Messiest. Experiment. Ever.

Analyzing fiber samples

Stay tuned for next month, where the girls will learn all about their lungs, and get those bodies moving to demonstrate what they've learned!